Track: Long Beach Walk


Location: Pacific Rim National Park, BC

Distance: 4.9km

A romantic walk on the beach.

Date: 31 January, 2014

Traces of Long Beach Walk

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    Location: Kerrisdale (Vancouver)

    Distance: 4.98km

    Terrain was easy, although it lacked some sidewalks at points. It was a beautiful spring walk in the neighbourhood, and rainy.

    Date: 17 April, 2014
  • Screen-Shot-2014-04-13-at-5.47.55-PM

    Trace by:

    Location: Halifax, NS, Canada

    Distance: 5.0km

    This was a difficult track to trace in a city. Opened up lots of opportunities to trespass, but I didn’t hop any fences. The track led me straight to the Dalhousie Art Gallery, and through the university campus, and then back around past the hospital and cemetery. I was constantly on the look out for…

    Date: 13 April, 2014

Trace this track: Long Beach Walk

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