Track: Halifax Citadel


Location: Halifax, NS, Canada

Distance: 1.6km

Walk around the Halifax Citadel and down the hill.

Date: 15 November, 2013

Traces of Halifax Citadel

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  • Maynard Citadel

    Trace by:

    Location: Maynard Lake, Dartmouth

    Distance: 2 km

    This was done 2 years ago, in the winter, on a frozen lake. Four of us went out with our smartphones and an archived plan of the Halifax Citadel.

    Date: 17 February, 2012
  • image

    Trace by:

    Location: Windsor, Ontario, Canada

    Distance: 1.8 km

    Transposed to a different administrative centre — the City Hall area of Windsor, Ontario — what became clear right away was the different scale. The entire track covers just a few city blocks in this flat city, but it includes both small houses and large public buildings. I identified a likely starting point, went there,…

    Date: 08 May, 2014
  • image

    Trace by:

    Location: Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver

    Distance: 2.04 km

    This didn’t turn out as well as I thought it would. I picked a location that had interesting similarities to the Citadel: a somewhat ceremonial site on top of a hill — the Queen Elizabeth Park botanical garden. It started out great, but went awry when I had to bushwhack and got myself a bit…

    Date: 26 April, 2014

Trace this track: Halifax Citadel

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