Track: Little Mountain


Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Distance: 5.5km

Run to the top of Queen Elizabeth Park, also known as Little Mountain.

Date: 15 November, 2013

Traces of Little Mountain

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  • LittleMountain-response-Halifax-map

    Trace by:

    Location: Halifax, NS

    Distance: 8.9 km

    Edith and I had the idea of trying to trace this track beginning at the same street name (Windsor Street), but in a different city. We printed the track onto a Google map of Halifax, and recorded the trace using a GPS tracking app called My Tracks. Interestingly, the Halifax starting-point also took us through…

    Date: 13 November, 2013

Trace this track: Little Mountain

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Because GPX data uses a specific location, we have a built-in GPX converter that will map the Track to your desired start location. Either use the simple "Detect My Location" option, or enter your latitude and longitude, using positive or negative decimal numbers (eg. Rio de Janiero at 22° 54' 0" West and 43° 12' 0" South would be -22.9 and -43.2). If you are on a mobile and logged in, we can email the GPX track directly to your registered email address.

For more information how to find your coordinates, please see our HOW TO.

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